Utkir Hoshimov (1941-2013)

Category: Literature of Independence period Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Utkir Hoshimov was born in 1941 in Tashkent. After finishing secondary school, he studied at the Philology Faculty of the Tashkent State University. At present U. Hosimov is a chairman of the committee of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. His first story called "Cho'l havosi" was published in 1964. And it was warmly recognized by the people. U.Hoshimov's other stories are: "Shamol esaveradi", "Bahor qaytmaydi", "Qalbingga quloq sol", "Dunyoning ishlari", "Ikki karra ikki besh".

U. Hoshimov's famous stories are: "Urishning so'nggi qurboni", "Yanga", "Dehqonning bir kuni", "Dehqonning bir tuni", "Oq bulut oppoq bulut". U. Hoshimov's novels are: "Nur borki, soya bor", "Ikki eshik orasi", "Tushda kechgan umrlar". U. Hoshimov's plays are: "To'ylar muborak", "Sizdan ugina, bizdan bugina", "Inson sadoqati", "Qatag'on".

The works by Utkir Hoshimov
Tanlangan asarlar (Selected works). 2 volumes. Tashkent, "Sharq", 1993.
Bahor qaytmaydi. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1993.

About the works of U.Hoshimov
Rasulov A. Ardoqli adib. Tashkent, "Sharq", 2001.
Karimov H. Utkir Hoshimov. Tashkent, "Yozuvchi", 2002.

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