Oydin Hojieva (1942)

Category: Literature of Independence period Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

She was born on the 22 of April, 1942 in the village of Ho’jai Boston, Qiziltepa district of Buhara region. In 1965 she graduated from Tashkent State University, philological Faculty. Her first poems were published in the district newspaper in 1953. In 1961 her poem “Tongni qarshilab” (Encountering the Dawn) was published in “Saodat” journal (former “O’zbekiston xotin-qizlari” (Women of Uzbekistan).

She published a number of poems such as “Shabnam” (The Dask) (1971), “Men sevgan qo’shiq” (My favourite song, 1972), “Orzu guli” (The flower of Dream, 1973), “Manzillar” (Destinations, 1971), “Tarovat” (Beauty, 1975), “Navo” (Melody, 1977), “Mushfiq onajon” (My mother, 1983), “Javoronok” (Nightingali, 1984), “Tamal toshi” (Cornerstone, 1988), “Oryukovoy kost” (1985), “Ishonch yulduzlari” (The stars of hope, 1989), “Chashmalarni izlayman” (I’m looking for streams, 1986), “Osnova” (Basis, 1987), “Ko’zimning oqu-qorasi” (1996), “Panohim” (My shelter, 1988).

She become famous for her verses depicting the inner subtle state of women. She worked as a head of Department in the Journals “Sharq yulduzi” (1965-1976), “Saodat” (1976-1985) and as an editor of “Gulshan” journal (1985-1994). In 1992 was awarded the title of “People’s poet of Uzbekistan”, in 1999 the order “El-yurt hurmati”. Since 1994 she works as an editor-in-chief of “Saodat” journal (its newspaper appendix “Gulchehralar”).

Her works were translated into Russian, Urdu, English, French, Tadjik and Ukrainian languages.

Oydin Hojieva. “Panohim” (My shelter). Tashkent, Sharq NMAK, 1998.
Oydin Hojieva. “Dostons”. Tashkent, Adabiyot va san’at, 1996.

Jalolov T. Kiroyi qizing shunday bo’lsa. In book: Jalolov T. “O’zbek shoiralari”, Adabiyot va san’at. 1980, 377-385.
Rasulov A. Oydin Hojieva. Komsomol prize winners of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, Yosh gvardiya, 1977, 184-188 pp.

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