Abdulla Qodiriy (1894-1938)

Category: Literature of Jadid's period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Abdulla Qodiriy was the founder of Uzbek National proses a journalist, a linguist and a translator. He was born in 1894, April 10 in Tashkent. First he studied at muslim school (1904-1906), then Russian “tuzem” school (1908-1912). In 1916-1917 he was educated at madrasah of Abulqosim Shayx. From his childhood he worked as a secretary of businessmen (1907-1915) because of the condition of his family. In 1923 he founded the journal “Mushtum”.

He worked there many years. He studied at the course of literature in Moscow (1925-1926). In 1919-1925 he published more than 300 articles in newspapers. Till his death he was busy with creation.

Abdulla Qodiriy was prisoned in 1937, December 31. He was killed with together Cho’lpon, Fitrat in October 4, 1938.

Abdulla Qodiriy’s poems “Ahvolimiz”, “To’y”, “Millatimga”, “Fikr aylagil”, stories “Juvonboz”, “Uloqda”, “Jinlar bazmi”, and his drama “Baxtsiz kuyov” were published in 1914-1915. He wrote “O’tgan kunlar” in 1919-1920, which is considered to be the first novel in Uzbek literature. This novel was published in the journal “Inqilob” in 1922 and every chapter was published separately as a book in 1924-1926.

In 1918, February he finished writing his great second novel “Mehrobdan chayon”. The novel was published in Samarkand in 1929. The author wrote his novel “Obid ketmon” in 1934.

As a linguist and a translator Abdulla Qodiriy made great works. He translated the works of the scientist of tatar physics Abdulla Shinosiy’s “Fizika” (1928), N.V. Gogol’s “Uylanish” (1935), A.P. Chexov’s “Olchazor” (1936) into Uzbek. He took part in compiling the dictionary “To’la ruscha-o’zbekcha lug’at” which was published in Qozon (1934).

In his humoristic stories as “Kalvak Maxzumning hotira daftaridan”(From notes of Kalvak Polvon), “Toshpo’lat tajang nima deydi”(What says Toshpulat tajang) Qodiriy shows his opposite attitude the non godlessnes.

There are much spoken about jadid literature trying to improve, to change people’s level of living.

The great attantion and stress is given to the nation’s of independence and free ideas.

Qodiriy’s plays especially his novels are famous in the world. His novels as “Mehrobdan chayon”, “O’tgan kunlar”, “Obid ketmon” are translated into Russian, English, Italian, Arabic, Azarbayjon, Todjik, Kazak, Uygur, Tatar languages.

The german literature scientists N. Tun, I. Boldauf, american investigators E. Olvorth, Hristofor Murfi, Eden Nabi dealt with Qodiriy’s creativity.

The professors of National University of Uzbekistan U. Normatov, M. Qo’shjonov, B. Karimov are investigating and studying Qodiriy’s creetivity.

In 1991 the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan gave A. Qodiriy the government awarded him the State Prise after A. Navoi. A lot of cultural organisations, big streets, the cultural Institute of Tashkent, Tashkent Park are named after A. Qodiriy.

Edited literature.

A. Qodiriy. “To’la asarlar to’plami” (Whole compositions), 1-volume. Poems, stories and sketch. Humoristic stories. Tashkent, Fan, 1995.
A. Qodiriy “O’tgan kunlar, Mehrobdan chayon”, novels, Tashkent, 1992.

Scientific literatures.

Kushjonov M. Qodiriy’s diseriptive art. Tashkent, Fan, 1966.
Kushjonov M. Uzbek’s property. Tashkent, 1994.
Mirzaev I. Qodiriy’s creative evolution. Tashkent, Fan, 1977.
Qodiriy H. “Otam haqida”(About my father), Tashkent, 1983.
Normatov U. Qodiriy bog’i (Qodiriy’s Garden). Tashkent, 1995.
Karimov B. “XX asr o’zbek adabiyotida talqin muammosi (qodiriyshunoslik misolida)” (The problem of description in Uzbek literature in XX), PHD, 2002.

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