Zulfia (1915-1996)

Category: Literature of 30-80's of XX century Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Zulfia Isroilova was born in 1915 in Tashkent and after finishing a secondary school she went to The Pedagogical Institute and then she studied at post graduate course. Later she worked as an editor in the publishing houses and for many years she had worked as an editor - in chief - in the magazine "Saodat". In 1932 Zulfia's first collection of poems "Hayot varaqlari" (Pages of life) was published. Then her poems and collections of poems such as "Yuragimga yaqin kishilar" (People who are close to my heart), "Yurak hamisha yo'lda" (Heart is always on the road), "Kamalak" (Rainbow) appeared in the literature.

Her "Falak" (Oh, Heaven), "Bahor keldi seni so'roqlab" (The spring has come to you), "O'g'irlamang qalamim bir kun" (Don't steal my pencil), "Bo'm bo'sh qolibdi bir varaq qog'oz" (A list of paper left unwritten) and other poems and such works as "O'g'lim sira bo'lmaydi urush" (My son, war never happens again), "Mushoira" are very popular among the people. Zulfia is the author of such lyric and lyro-epic legendary tales as "Uni Farhod der edilar" (He was called Farhad), "Quyoshli qalam" (A sunny pencil), "Hotiram siniqlari" (Broken pieces of my life). In 1935 she married Hamid Olimjan and after his death she created several sad poems.

Zulfia's works:
Works. 3 volumes. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1983-1986.
About the creative works of Zulfia:
1. Akbarov A. Zulfia. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1983.
2. Kayumov L. Shoira Zulfiya (Poet Zulfia). Tashkent, Uzadabiynashr, 1965.

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