Abdulla Oripov (1941-2016)

Category: Literature of Independence period Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Abdulla Oripov was born in 1941 in Nekuz village of Kashkadarya region. After finishing school he studied at the Philology faculty of the Tashkent State University. At present Abdulla Oripov is a chairman of the Union of writers' of Uzbekistan. A. Oripov's first collection of poems called "Mitti yulduz" was published in 1965, which declared about the appearance of a new writer in the world.

Oripov's late collection of poems are: "Yuzma-yuz", "Onajon", "Yillar armoni", “Ishonch kipriklari", "Dunyo", "Najot qal'asi", "Surat va siyrat". Oripov's the most famous poems are: "Birinchi muhabbatim", "Ayol", "Onajon", "Tilla baliqcha", "Men nechun sevaman O'zbekistonni", "O'zbekiston", "Yurtim jamoli", "Alisherning onasi", "Saraton". Oripov is an author of the following ballads: "Hakim va ajal", "Ranjkom". Dramatic epos "Jannatga yo'l" is one of the best works of Abdulla Oripov.

A. Oripov. The works
A.Oripov has translated "Divine comedy" by Dante into Uzbek language.

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