Erkin Vohidov (1936-2016)

Category: Literature of Independence period Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Erkin Vohidov was born in Oltiarik district of Fergana region in the family of a teacher. After finishing secondary school he studied at the Philology faculty of the Central Asian State University. He worked as an editor in publishing houses. At present Erkin Vohidov is a chairman of the International Committee of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

His first collection of poems called. "Tong nafasi" was published in 1961 which informed to people about the appearance of a new talented writer. Erkin Vohidov's late collection of poems are "Sharqiy qirg'oq", "Tirik sayyoralar", "Muhabbatnoma", "Sadokatnoma", "Yaxshidir achchiq haqiqat…", "Kuy avjida uzilmasin tor". E.Vohidov's well-known poems to people are: "Pulat", "Kamtarlik haqida", "Uzbegim", "Tirik sayyoralar", "Arslon o'rgatuvchi", "Ona tilim o'lmaydi", "Biz ishlayapmiz", "Donish qishloq latifalari". E.Vohidov's ballads are: "Buyuk hayot tongi", "Nido", "Palatkada yozilgan doston", "Bahmal". E.Vohidov's epos "Ruhlar isyoni" which is about the freedom of person is considered to one of the main works of the writer. E. Vohidov is the author of the plays such as "Oltin devor", "Istanbul fojeasi", "Ikkinchi tumor". He translated "Faust" into the Uzbek language.

The works by E.Vohidov
Tanlangan asarlar (Selected works). 2 volumes. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1986.
Iztirob, Tashkent, "Uzbekistan", 1992.
Yaxshidir achchik hakikat. Tashkent, "Nur", 1992.

About the works of E. Vohidov.

Inogomov R. Shoirlik kismati, Tashkent, "University", 1999.

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