Muhyiddin Muhyi (1836-1911)

Category: Literature of National Renaissance period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Muhyiddin Muhammad Rizo Ohund o’gli (son of) Muhyi was a poet who belonged to Kokan literary atmoshpere and he wrote his poems (works) in two languages. Uzbek and Persian people who lived at that time called him “Shohi shoiron”, “Toj ush-shuaro”. He was born in 1835 in Gazna. He studied in Hirot’s and Buhara’s madrasahs. He spent the main part of his life in Kokan.

He died in Andijon in 1911. He made up a devon “Devani Muhyi”. At the Institute of Oriental Languages at the fund of manuscripts of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan. #1303; Devani Muhyi (inv #1085, 10849, 10678, 10358, 10847). It was known that he collected Kaskul (Riyoz ul-firdavs kajkuli Muhyi. Inv #11324). His poems are given in bayozies (inv #9874). His gazals’ are copied seperatly (Gazaliloti Muhyi. Inv #11683). He is also a historical man. His “Tarihi Muhyi Hukandi” is considered to be the main sourse of Turkistan. Especially, they are written about Love (Divine Love), asceticism and hermits life.

Muhyi’s gazal – munag’ats are the reflection of the poet’s outlook. (“O’tib umrim hato birlan kechirgaysan gunoh, yo Rab”, “Mani ishqi majoziyga giriftor aylama, yo Rab”) means: “My life passed with mistakes and sin, forgive me, my God”, “Do not expose me to falsehood (lie) love, my God”.

Sh. Yusupov made scientific research work about Muhyi’s life and literary activity.

She’rlar (Poems). “O’zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati”, newspaper. Tashkent, 1992, October 9.
Muhyi’s poems. Sharq yulduzi, 2002, Birinchi fasl.

Scientific literatures
Gafur Gulom. Mukumi and Muhyi. MAT, 2nd voll. Tashkent, 1989.
Karimov G. Mukumiy. Tashkent, 1970.
Haitov A. Mavlono Muhyi. “O’zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati”, newspaper. Tashkent, 1992, October 9.
Zohidov N. Muhiddin Muhammad Rizo Ohund o’g’li Muhyi. “O’zbek tili va adabiyoti”, magazine, 1994. №3, p.p. 46-48.

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