Yusuf Saryomi (1840-1912)

Category: Literature of National Renaissance period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Yusuf Saryomi was a well-known poet and calligrapher.

Poets creative heritage is collected by Tavallo in “Bayozi Mavlavi Yusuf Saryomi”.
He was born in Sayram in 1845, studied in the madrasas of Tashkent, Buhara and had contacts with the poets of Tashkent, Samarkand and Kokan. Saryomi’s devan “Devoni Mavlaviy Yusuf Saryomi” was published in 1914 in Tashkent. His works are studied by NUU prof. B. Qosimov and his pupil M. Tojiboev who published his selected writings with scientisfic analysis. S. Zufarov and M. Mirholdorov also did research on Saryomi’s poetry.

Saryomi Y. She’rlar. Sayram,1990.
O’zbek adabiyoti (Uzbek literature). 4 vol., 1-book. Tashkent, 1978.
Yusuf Saryomiy. Tanlangan asarlar. Tashkent, 2002.

Scientific literatures

Zufarov S. Nodir qo'lyozmalar (Master piece munuscripts). «O'zbek tili va adabiyoti» magazine, 1954, №4.
Zufarov S. Saryomi izidan. “Tashkent oqshomi”, newspaper. Tashkent, 1988, June 18.
Qosimov B. Muhabbat ahlining gulshani. “O’zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati”, newspaper. Tashkent, 1990, October 5.
Mirholdorov M. Sayramlik shoir. “O’zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati”, newspaper. Tashkent, 1990, August 10.

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