Adib Ahmad Yugnaki (XII-XIII centuries)

Category: VIII - XIII centuries Published: Sunday, 02 September 2012

He was born in Yugnak village in Ferghana valley. His only book “Hibatu-l-Hakoyik” riched us. He dedicated his work to Dod Sipohsolarbek Habashi a leader of Korahanids who was the governor of Ferghana valley.

Alisher Navoi wrote about Adib Ahmad Yugnaki in his “Nasoyim-ul-muhabbat”.

The copies of the maniscripts of this work have been kept untill these days such as Arabic and old uigur-turkik. These copies were copied and kept in Istanbul. The work consists of XIV chapters. The verses of Koran and aphorisms of Hadisi sharif is interpreted on literary form in this book.

Yugnaki’s life and literary works were analyzed by Russian scientists S.Malov, E.Bertels, N.Baskakov, I.Stebleva.

The Uzbek scientists Fitrat, K.Mahmudov, I.Hakkulov, M.Imamnazarov, X.Baltabayev and G.Hujanova devoted their works to him.

Published works:

K. Mahmudov Ahmad Yugnaki and about his “Hibatul-Hakoyik”. Tashkent, 1972.

Scientific literature:

Bertels E.A. “Hibat-ul-hakayik” by Ahmed Yugnaki. Work SAGU. New series, volume 3, book 1. T.: 1945.
Baskakov N.A. Tyurkskiye yaziki. (Turkish Languages). M.: 1960.
Fitrat. Hibat-ul-Hakayak. Tanlangan asarlar (Selected writings. Prepared by X.Boltaboev), 2-volume. T.: Manaviyat, 2000.
K.Mahmudov. 12-13 asrlar adabiy manbalarining fonetikasi. (The Phonetics of the Literary Texts). T.: 1994.
X.Boltaboyev. Butun ehtimollarning kuchlisi (The Power of whole probabilities), “Adabiyot va san’at” 1997, 13 june.
G.Hujanova Hibatul haqoyiq haqiqatlari. (The Truth of Hibatu-l-Hakayak). T.: 2001.

Used Literature.

Ahmed Yugnaki “Hibatul-Hakoyik”, book, K.Mahmudov T.: 1972.
Ahmed Yugnaki “Hibatul-Hakoyik” (prepared by K.Mahmudov), T.: 1972.

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