Nasriddin Rabguzi (XI century)

Category: VIII - XIII centuries Published: Sunday, 02 September 2012

The information about Rabguzi’s life is in his mukaddima “Kissasi Rabguzi”. According to his work he had lived in Roboti ugiz in Horesm. He worked as a lawyer (“qozi”) there. He wrote this work by Tukbuga’s order who was the governor of that time.

“Kisasi Rabguzi” was written in 710 (1310 BC). This work consists of Hamd (praising of the God), na-at (address to the prophet Muhammad), introduction, 72 stories, lyrical digression and conclusion. There are 72 stories in the work.

Rabguzi also used in his proses Abu Ishok Nishopuri’s work “Kisasu-l-anbiyo”. The oldest parts of “Kisasu-l-anbiyo” belongs to the VIII century.

Rabguzi includes legends among people for his proses.

The published works:

Kisasi Rabguzi, I-II volumes, editors E.Fozilov, H. Dadaboev, A.Yunusov, Tashkent, 1990.

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