Tohir Malik (1946-2019)

Category: Literature of Independence period Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Tohir Malik is the penname of Abdumalik o’g’li Habilov. He was born in Tashkent, studied in the evening department of the faculty of journalism at the Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan), worked at the construction an important topics are developed in the novels “Qaldirg’och” (1987). Tohir Malik published in the period of the independence some stories as: “So’nggi o’q” (1990), “Shaytanat” (consisting of 4 parts, 1994-2001), “Odam ovi” (2001), “Charxpalak”, “Murdalar gapirmaydilar” (1999).

The writer described the life of XX th century, the fortunes of nations by all possible means. The author’s stories “Mehmon tuyg’ular o’ylari”, “Jinoyatning uzun yo’li” were published in 2002. Tohir Malik was awarded the title “O’zbekiston xalq yozuvchisi” (2000) (Peoples writer of Uzbekistan).

Tohir Malik is the author who published most of his works on independant days.

Tohir Malik “Falak” scientific-fantastic story. Tashkent, Yosh gvardiya, 1976.
Tohir Malik “So’nggi o’q” story, Tashkent, Yosh gvardiya, 1990.
Tohir Malik “Shaytanat”, four parts, Tashkent, Sharq, 1994-2001.


A. Rasulov “Ko’rgulik”, O’zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati, 1991, August 2.

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