Asqad Muhtor (1920-1997)

Category: Literature of 30-80's of XX century Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Asqad Muhtor was born in 1920 in Fergana. He was brought to the charity house. He went to the State University of Uzbekistan in Samarkand, was editor of different magazines. Asqad Muhtor's first collection of poems was published late in 30s. His philosophical poems in such collections as "99 miniaturas", "Sizga aytar so'zim bor" (I have something to tell you), are very popular among the people. Asqad Muhtor's legendary tales (dostons) "Pulat quyuvchi" (A steel founder), "Katta yo'lda" (On a big road), "Hamshaharlar" (Townmates), "Mangulikka dahldor" (Belongs to eternity) are considered to be the best in his creation.

Asqad Muhtor wrote such narrative stories, as "Daryolar tutashgan joyda" (At the place where rivers meet), "Qoraqalpoq qissasi" (A Karakalpak story), "Bo'ronlarda bordek halovat" (Silence seems to be in the storms), "Jar yoqasidagi chaqmoq" (Lighting at the canyon), "Kumush tola" (A silver hair) and so on. Among his narrative stories "Buhoroning jin ko'chalari" (The gin streets of Buhara) is distinguished as a bright example of philosophical-artistic work.

Asqad Muhtor wrote not only narrative stories but he was the author of several novels too. In his novels such as "Opa-singillar" (Sisters), "Tug'ilish" (Birth), "Davr mening taqdirimda" (Epoch in my fate) one could see the violence of communistic ideology in one of his best novels "Chinor" he described skillfully common people's problem. The stories such as "Dunyo bolalari" (Children of the world), "Fano va baqo" and the plays "Samandar", "Tong yorilgan sohilda" (At the shore when the dawn appeared) and others written by Asqad Muhtor are very popular among the readers.

Asqad Muhtor's works.
Asarlar (Works). 4 volumes. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1980-1983.
About the creative works of Asqad Muhtor:
1. Togayev O. Asqad Muhtor. Tashkent, "Tashkent" publishing house of fictions, 1966.
2. Sayimov B. Asqad Muxtor prozasi (Asqad Muhtor's prose). Tashkent, "Fan", 1969.

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