Zavqiy (1853-1921)

Category: Literature of National Renaissance period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Ubaydulla osta Solih ogli Zavqiy was a lyric poet. The theme of love has taken the main place in his lyric. Zavqi’s verse “Kelmasa kelmasun netay?” written in radif is considered to be a work which continues the beautiful tradition of Uzbek classic literature.

More over Zavqi was one of the leaders of satiric school under the guidance by Muqimi. Writer’s works such as “Zamona kimniki”, “Dar mazzamati zamona”, “Bo’l”, “Muncha ko’p” were wonderful poems of social satire, where poet expressed the sorrow of poor people, difficult life and measurable conditions are depicted in real pictures.

Zavqi’s exposes “Voqeai qozi saylov”, “Qahatchilik” depict the important social events.

In 1900 he visited Caucasus, Asia, Egipt, Arabic countries and in 1903 he returned Kokan. NUU prof Q. Karimov studied Zavqiy’s works, H. Razzaqov did candidate thesis.

Zavqi. Tanlangan asarlar (Selected works). Tashkent, 1958.

Scientific literatures

Razzoqov H. Zavqi. Hayoti va ijodi (life and creature). Tashkent, 1955.
Karimov G. O’zbek adabiyoti tarixi (The history of Uzbek literature). Tashkent, 1987.

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