Ahmad Tabibi (1868–1910)
Tabibi was a writer who belonged to Horazm literary atmosphere, school, a translator, musician, and a good calligrapher. Tradition of Tazkira developed in Tabibi's works. He was born in 1869 in Hiva. He was a doctor and had a penname Tabibiy (doctor).
Tabibi was a lyric poet. His three Uzbek devans and two Persian devans are known and famous.
Tabibi was also famous as an artist, musician and clerk. His monography “Majmuot ul-shuoroi Feruzshohiy” which is preserved in the library of Oriental Institute.
He translated Fuzuliy’s “Hafti Jon” poem from Ozari into Uzbek.
Tabibi, Chosen works, Tashkent, 1968.
Scientific literature.
Ganihadjaev F. "Life and creation of Ahmadjon Tabibi", Tashkent, 1968.