Sakkokiy (XIV-XV century)

Category: Literature of Temurid's period Published: Sunday, 02 September 2012

Alisher Navoi appreciated Sakkokiy as the other Turkish poets who lived in the period of Shohrux. He wrote about him in his following works: "Majolis un-nafois" and "Muhokamat ul-lug'atayn".

The devon (collection) of Sakkokiy consisted of gazals and qasidas. Five of them were devoted to Ulughbek, the rest of qasidas he dedicated to Halil Sultan, Hoja Tarhan.

According to Alisher Navoi's work "Majolis un-nafois" Sakkokiy was from Movarounnahr. Sakkokiy might have served under the rule of Ulughbek's emir Arslon Hoja Tarhon's palace.

The published works:

Sakkaki. Tanlangan asarlar. (Selected Works). T.: 1966.
Sakkaki Gazallar, kasida. Kitobda najot vasfi. T.: 1988.


Uzbek adabiyoti tarihi. Besh tomlik. Vol.1. T.: Fan, 1978.

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