Orhun-Enisey written monuments (5-8 century)
Orhun-Enisey monuments are founded in the territory of Uzbekistan, North Mongolia, South Siberia, Kazahstan, Eastern Turkistan and soon large Orhon monuments such as Kul-tigina, Bilge Kapana, Tunjukuk belongs to historical heroic poems, Enisey monuments to placha genre.
In the territory of Uzbekistan (Ferghana valley, Surhandarya) more than 20 ruinic monuments are founded. Some of them are not studied.
Large Orhon inscriptions are considered Kultigin Bilge Kegan, Tunjukuk, etc. Kultigin established in 732 AC on honour of general. The monument consists of 2 parts: small and big part.
The aim of this monument is to perpetuate the heroic memory of people lighting to preserve turk’s land.
In the monuments mentioned topponims such as Tabgach, Tibet, Sugd, Turgash, Kyrgyzs etc. Enisey monuments testified about ancient genre of classical literature as placha and oda.
The monuments are founded by Danish scientist U.Tompson. Some of them are not studied yet. They are learned in the USA, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Turkey and Russia by V.Padlov, S.Malov, Steblova in Uzbekistan by Fitrat, Kayumov, N.Rahmonov, etc.
Eng eski turk adabiyoti namunalari (Tuzuvchi prof. Fitrat) – T.: 1927.
Енисейская письменности тюрков. – М.Л. 1952.
Qadimgi hikmatlar. T.: 1987.