Karimbek Kami (1865-1922)

Category: Literature of Jadid's period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Karimbek was the representative of Uzbek literature in the period National Renaissance.

The activity of Kami is wide. The greeting and separation of lover are praised in his lyric poetry. Such civilizational poems as "Dar tarifi tavsifi ilm" (About education), "Dar tarifi maktab" (About school), "Har makonda bo'lsang", "Ey mulla Foziljon qori", in political sense "Tabriki hurriyat" (Congratulations on independence), "Shikoyatnomai Kami az inqilobi zamona va ahli zamona", "Qahatchilik", "Soldi beilmliq hatolari" belong to Kami.

Dilni obod aylaymiz. TASHKENT “Ma’naviyat”, 1998.

Scientific literature.

1. Jalolov A. Shoir Karimbek Kamiy (The Poet Kami Toshkandiy). The journal Uzbek language and literature, 1969. #1
2. Hamidova M. "Bayoznavis shoirlar" literature legacy, 3rd book, Tashkent, 1973.
3. Zakirov M. Mavlono Kami. Newspaper "Tashkent oqshomi", december 14, 1990.
4. Tulaboyev O. Karimbek Kami. Journal Uzbek language and literature 1993, #3.
5. Tulaboyev O. "Suhandonlik iqlimida shuhratbardor" newspaper "Tashkent University" February 25, 1994.
Oltin O. “Der Kamiy: uyg’oning endi” (Says Kami: Awake). The newspaper "The literature and art of Uzbekistan" august 15, 1994.

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